KVH IP-MobileCast
KVH Industries has updated its IP-MobileCast content-delivery service, launched last year, with the first round of several planned upgrades.
“The early adopters of IP-MobileCast have been ship owners and managers who understand the benefit of bringing great news, sports, movies, TV entertainment and operational data to their vessels, and the resulting improvements in crew recruiting and retention, operational efficiency and competitive advantage,” Martin Kits van Heyningen, CEO of KVH, stated in a press release. “They also appreciate the efficiency of KVH’s content delivery service in removing a huge amount of traffic from the vessels’ networks and in protecting against the impact of the individual crew member downloading unlicensed videos or accessing streaming audio or video services for their personal entertainment.”
The first round of upgrades includes film subtitles in multiple languages, along with more accessible menus and program guides that make it easier to find and select content.
Who’s watching: IP-MobileCast content has been viewed more than 100,000 times by maritime subscribers, setting what KVH calls a new industry benchmark.
Find more details: go to www.kvh.com