
Provisioning to Go Around the World

Packing for 200 days at sea takes careful planning.

Dr. Paris

A great deal has been removed from the boat to lighten it in order to go faster. Especially from the bow area, so as when I come down a wave rather than plow into the one in front of me, the lighter bow will help me to lift up and over the wave. Yet at the same time, much weight in spare parts, provisions etc. has been added, but that added weight has been located in the rear (aft) portion of the boat.

Onboard I have, for the estimated 120 day voyage, some 120 days of frozen meats and fish. However, a power failure or lightning strike would cause me to lose all of that within a few days. So there are 100 days of dehydrated meals, and then another 50 days of pasta and noodles, fast meals, etc. Also, I have enough milk powder to make a liter a day. So I am over provisioned to meet most possibilities. On my return, the Salvation Army should do well. I will be able to bake bread in an electric skillet, in which I shall be doing most of my cooking, for it is energy efficient compared to stove top or oven. I also have a microwave oven.

On board is sufficient alcohol for two drinks a day for 120 days, which is a true incentive to get home. Wine, single malt scotch, rum and some champagne splits – the latter for festive moments such as crossing the equator and rounding the Horn. Also for New Year’s Eve, during which I will be alone. My father gave me two rules about drinking. The first-don’t drink before 5:00 pm. The second-don’t drink alone. Sorry dad.


–Stanley Paris
