Bertram has announced that they will debut their new 511 at the Ft. Lauderdale International Boat Show, which takes place October 29 to November 3. The new 511 comes standard with twin MANV-10 CR 1100 horsepower engines, but the company also offers the options of Twin CAT C-18 1050 horsepower or Twin MAN V-12 CR 1360 horsepower engines, and has a fuel capacity of 1,040 gallons. www.bertram.com
Citadel Yachts, Inc., formerly known as Aleutian Yachts, and Joseph Artese Design recently launched their latest 92-foot expedition motoryacht, Miss Lisa, into the sea off Seattle, Washington. www.citadelyachts.com, www.artesedesign.com
Grand Banks has announced they will begin construction of the new Aleutian 53 RP for launch in 2010. Boasting a completely new hull and deckhouse, the 53 RP comes with standard twin 593-hp diesel engines and options up to 705-hp, which the company estimates will push the vessel to over 22 knots. www.grandbanks.com