Nav-Tracker 2.0
Beyond system monitoring, there’s an element of Hollywood in the new Nav-Tracker 2.0 tracking system ($1,700) from Paradox Marine, particularly when the Inferno “acoustic deterrent” ($2,200) is added. This GPS monitoring system not only lets you know that your boat has been broken into or stolen, it can send you images and live streaming video from the boat during the incident, using cellular or satellite communications. The Inferno module generates an “unbearable frequency pattern” of more than 125 decibels that can sicken those exposed to its siren for more than 90 seconds. Anyone considering this nonlethal weapon might opt for the upgraded Nav-Tracker with keyfob controller, rather than having to visit the control website to restore silence. Paradox Marine, (954) 565-9898; www.paradoxmarine.com