JRC America’s new Radar 1800 C/P combines color radar with a GPS chart plotter. This unit lets users view either radar or chart plotter as a full screen, or both as a horizontally split screen. After selecting the plotter/radar split screen, users can set the displays at the same relative scale to orient a boat’s position from two perspectives. Two radar images also can be displayed simultaneously on a split screen. The radar has 2kW of transmit power, an 18-inch radome and range scales from 1/8 nm to 24 nm. Among the display choices are head up, north up and course up, plus a nav-data window. The 1800 C/P interfaces with the electronic compasses of JRC’s new JLR-10 GPS Direction Sensor. The chart plotter has two C-Map slots and runs C-Map’s latest cartography, Tide Graph and Port Services included. Nav data comes from a JRC or other GPS receiver, and a port in the front panel lets users interface the radar/plotter with a PC. Price: $3,295. JRC North America, (206) 654-5644; www.jrcamerica.com.