Codecasa 50s
The newest 50-meter yacht from Codecasa is in the works, and looks to be a speedy performer. The company states that the Codecasa 50s will be similar to the previous Codecasa 45s, the m/y FRAMURA 2, and should be able to attain a top speed of approximately 28 knots at light displacement.
Like FRAMURA 2, the Codecasa 50s will have an anchor stabilizing gyroscopic system from Ship Dynamics in Australia to increase comfort. Codecasa gives more details about the new yacht in their press release: “Prof. Andre Bacigalupo is the naval architect who designed the bottom and the external lines, while as for the interiors, the designers are the architects Anna Maria and Franco Della Role who worked strictly in collaboration with the Owner’s personal architect. The Codecasa 45s, FRAMURA 2, is still owned by the same society who also commissioned the new 50 meters. Looking forward to the 2013 completion of the new boat, the Owner decided now to sell his current boat, FRAMURA 2.”