Hooked: Pirates, Poaching, and the Perfect Fish by G. Bruce Knecht
Patrick Sciacca, Editor-In-Chief
“Imagine chasing pirates across the sea through Arctic hurricanes and while dodging ice bergs. It happened. And this book tells the story of ‘one of the longest pursuits in maritime history.’ I read it end-to-end in one day. It’s that cool.”
Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway
Kevin Koenig, Executive Editor
“To be blunt, you should have read this one by now. If you haven’t, read it. If you have read it, read it again. Man, beast, ocean and the ceaseless human struggle against mortality. What else is there, really?”
A Complaint Free World by Will Bowen
Eric Powell, Senior Art Director
“While soaking in the pleasures of life at sea, what’s there to complain about? Along with the salty air, this book can help change your perspective and actions from complaining to thankfulness.”

Twelfth Night by Shakespeare
Kelley Sanford, Managing Editor
“Twelfth Night is my personal favorite Shakespeare play. The story is born from the sea, from a raging tempest and a devastating shipwreck, to be exact. Why would I want that to be my onboard leisure reading, you ask? Don’t worry, it’s a good one, with a twisting plot and satisfying ending. Plus, it’s a great first Shakespeare experience if you somehow made it all the way through High School without having to tackle iambic pentameter.”
A Voyage for Madmen by Peter Nichols
David Schmidt, Electronics Editor
“A Voyage for Madmen offers a front-row seat to the kind of grit, gumption and dedication that was required to launch solo circumnavigation racing…a feat that was considered to be as “out there” as a moon landing in the late 1960s. Nav and comms gear was all crude compared to what modern mariners can buy off-the-shelf at any West Marine, and there was nothing fast about the yachts that were employed, however they offered proof of concept while also launching one of the coolest types of sailboat racing.”
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne
Kim Kavin, Charter and Consulting Editor
“It’s just not possible to read this Jules Verne classic about Captain Nemo and the Nautilus without having your imagination fired. So many things that Verne imagined have become reality today. He was way ahead of his time.”
The Shining by Stephen King
Grace Howard, Digital Editor
“No one writes horror stories like Stephen King, and the classic The Shining is bone-chilling, even more so than the film and double that when you’re lying belowdecks in the pitch-black of night accompanied by the soundtrack of the eerie noises of a yacht slowly rocking back and forth on the water. Who knew a setting so serene could turn so sinister with the turn of a page?”