U-boat Worx’s Nemo is the world’s first production-built submersible vehicle. Power is a lithium-ion battery, and steering is via a thruster system, delivering speeds up to 3 knots. The two-person sub can dive to 330 feet, and it employs air scrubbers for eight hours of run time. Nemo weighs 5,510 pounds and requires less on-deck space than two personal watercraft. It comes with a single-point hoisting system and can be stored on flat surfaces sans cradle.
“Creating a submersible that is truly pilot-oriented was the hardest part,” says Roy Heijdra, U-Boat Worx’s marketing manager. “We created a short list of features and technologies we really wanted to incorporate in this design to have it meet our standards.” Still, Heijdra says, creating a production model was “one of the more difficult submersibles we’ve designed to date.” U-Boat Worx overcame the challenges by leveraging its extensive knowledge of building bespoke subs.

Nemo submersibles are meant to be owner-operated. They employ U-Boat Worx’s Manta controller and pilot-assistance functions (such as auto-heading and auto-depth). Purchase price includes a 12-day training course for owners or captains at U-Boat Worx’s Sub Center Curaçao.
Take the next step: nemo-submarine.com