Cat Island: To get dockside, try the Hawk’s Nest Resort and Marina. They have 28 slips with 50- and 100-amp shorepower. And anglers will appreciate the two air-conditioned fish-cleaning houses. Hawk’s Nest will be holding their 10th Annual Billfish Blast tournament this May 16 to 20, with free dockage for tournament participants.
Hawk’s Nest Resort & Marina Cat Island, Bahamas Bahamas Tel: (242) 342-7050 U.S. Tel: (954) 376-3865 Fax: (242) 342-7051 www.hawks-nest.com
Long Island:
Flying Fish Marina P.O. Box CT-30350 Clarence Town, Long Island Bahamas Tel: (242) 337-3430 Fax: (242) 337-3429 www.flyingfish-marina.com
Alligator Bay Marina Alligator Bay PO Box SMLI-30144 Long Island, Bahamas Tel: (242) 338-8068 Fax: (242) 338-8070 www.bahamassecurity.com
Stella Maris Resort Club & MarinaP.O. Box L130-105 Long Island District, Bahamas Tel: (800) 426-0466 Fax: (242) 338-2052 www.stellamarisresort.com