If you want to gain the benefits of dimmable LED lighting without having to tear down your overhead and rewire your boat from the inside out, then the new Sigma PowerLED is designed for you.
Imtra just introduced the product, which is designed as a replacement for existing marine halogen down-light systems. Sigma PowerLEDs use existing fixture locations, hole cutouts and two-wire cabling, eliminating the need to rewire circuits while gaining modern lighting that consumes just 5 watts of power.
Small, large and surface-mounted configurations are available. The small version replaces 20-watt halogen recessed spots, and the large version has an adapter plate that allows it to be used in multiple-size openings. The surface-mount design is for under-cabinet installations or ceilings with restricted recess depth.
“Our Sigma range was developed with the aftermarket boater in mind,” Imtra Lighting Product Development Manager Kinder Woodcock stated in a press release. “We are confident boaters and installing resellers will enjoy the quality and simplicity of the Sigma line.”
Sigma PowerLEDs have an input voltage of 10-40VDC for 12-volt, 24-volt and 32-volt systems powered by battery. It also will operate without dimming on low-voltage AC circuits driven through magnetic transformers.
Warm white and cool white LEDs are available. Retail prices range from $159 to $189. Learn more at www.imtra.com.