Zeelander Yachts in the Netherlands has released new photos of the 66-foot Zeelander 7, completing the yard’s year-long rebranding project.
The Zeelander 7 was originally called the Z72. It now has the same naming configuration as the 48-foot Zeelander 5 and the 56-foot Zeelander 6.
“By relaunching the Zeelander 7, we are making a bold statement: Zeelander builds just one design in three different sizes,” yard founder and owner Sietse Koopmans stated in a press release. “The golden thread that runs through all our yachts is the same rich, curved aesthetic, sculptural grace and sensuous finish.”

Key specs for the Zeelander 7: According to the shipyard, the yacht has a top speed of 40 knots with a decibel level of 72, comparable to the noise level in a typical office space.
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