The Italian Riviera, with its mild climate, historic buildings, and charming fishing villages, has attracted yachtsmen and tourists as far back as Byron and Shelley. Stretching from the French border to the Eastern end of the Gulf of La Spezia, the Italian Riviera offers some of the most breathtaking views and picturesque ports you’ll ever see from your yacht. While anchorage and mooring are quite popular in the area, here are some marinas for you to tie up, wash down, and enjoy the scenery-but beware! The summer season is wildly crowded, so plan ahead.
Genova Genova Marina Molo Vecchio Calata Molo Vecchio, Modulo 3 16128, Genova +39 010 270 12 00 www.mmv.it/eng
Savona Marina Di Varazze S.r.I. Localita Porto Turistico Via Savona, 17019, Varazze +39 019 93 53 21 www.marinadivarazze.it
Rapallo Porto Carlo Riva Calata Andrea Doria, 2 6035, Rapallo +39 0185 68 91 www.portocarloriva.it
Imperia Marina Di San Lorenzo Via Aurella 3 18017, San Lorenzo al Mare + 39 018 39 17 73 www.marinadisanlorenzo.it
La Spezia Porto Lotti V.le S.Bartolomeo, 394 19126, La Spezia + 39 018 753 21 www.portolotti.com
Chiavari Marina di Chiavari Corso Colombo 16043, Chiavari +39 018 53 64 081 www.marina-chiavari.it
Portosole CNIS S.p.A. Via del Castillo, 17 18038 Sanremo (IM) +39 018 453 71 www.portosolesanremo.it