Reversys Transforming Boat
Conceived by designers Pascal Vuilliomenet and Laurent Clement, the concept craft dubbed Reversys starts off as a fully enclosed 32-foot express cruiser. Pressing a button at the helm lowers the transom until it’s perpendicular with the water, creating a swim platform. The cockpit covering retracts into the forward roof above the helm, which then, in Transformers fashion, swings 180 degrees and turns into a sun pad where the cockpit once was. (To truly visualize this switcheroo, check out the video below.)
If the ever-changing shape of Reversys doesn’t grab your attention, her sleek and modern lines certainly will. Her vertical stem and bow, and shapely sheer, are reminiscent of 1920s racers, while her black and steel color scheme screams modern luxury.
The Reversys designers are pleased with their creation on paper, but they are eager to test-drive the concept on the open water. Interested buyers and investors are encouraged to reach out to the builder through its website. Those who like to cruise under the radar and dislike immense attention need not apply.