Benetti yacht Jaguar
The 183-foot Benetti Jaguar has just completed an exterior paint job and is planning to move to the Caribbean early for the winter charter season, so clients can take advantage of additional booking dates.
“The owner is focusing on the Caribbean and ready to commit to charter dates for the winter,” says Massima Piras, who manages Jaguar for charter through Fraser Yachts Worldwide.
Jaguar is a 2005 build that accommodates 12 guests with 11 crew. Her captain, Dean Pilatti, has been aboard since December 2012, which means plenty of references should be available from previous charter clients.
You may recognize this yacht as: Four Aces. That was her previous name, and she chartered then too.
Lowest weekly base rate: $295,000.
Secure the prime Caribbean charter dates: head over to www.fraseryachts.com.