Re-envisioning what boats can be.

One look at a wally yacht and you know it’s a Wally.
Luca Bassani founded the Monégasque brand in 1994 and has not looked back since. Indeed, nothing of Bassani’s aesthetic palette could ever be accused of looking back at all.
Click here to read more about Luca Bassani.
Early adopter of fiberglass boatbuilding.

One blustery day, landlocked because of weather that his wooden fishing boat couldn’t handle, Willis Slane remarked to his friends that somebody ought to build a boat that could brave the rough Carolina seas.
Click here to read more about Willis Slane.
The master rigger left his mark.

Ted Hood was a legend in his own time. The helmsman on the 1974 America’s Cup winner Courageous and a highly influential yachtsman, designer, and rigging builder, Hood symbolized the apotheosis of the yachting life.
Click here to read more about Ted Hood.
The mega-yacht master.

The name Jon Bannenberg rings bells all over the world. For decades, he was The Man when it came to designing mega-yachts. His client list, which included Larry Ellison, Malcolm Forbes and Adnan Khashoggi, among others, was almost as glamorous as some of his nearly 200 yacht projects (Carinthia V and Carinthia VI, and Limitless, to name a few.) Evan K. Marshall, one of the most prominent yacht designers of today, recalls the impact Bannenberg had on his own career: “I can very clearly recall my first encounter with Jon Bannenberg.
Click here to read more about Jon Bannenberg.
Revolutionizing the outboard industry.

Mercury Marine is synonymous with outboard engines. And outboards, as we know, are a hugely popular segment of the yachting marketplace.
Click here to read more about Carl Kiekhaefer.
He changed sailing forever.

Bob Johnstone has made his mark in both the sailing and powerboat worlds, and his contributions are not soon to be forgotten.