METS 2010
When it comes to marine electronics trade shows, there is perhaps none greater than METS, the marine equipment trade show, held each year in Amsterdam (METS 2010 is the 16-18 of November). Internationally regarded as one of the best places to see the latest and greatest in electronics and gear, METS will have, at this writing, 954 exhibitors (which is 90 percent of exhibitor capacity). METS also now features the Super Yacht Pavilion, where you will find manufacturers of equipment, materials, and/or systems for vessels more than 24 meters in length. www.mets.metstrade.com
The 2010 National Marine Electronics Association Conference and Expo will take place September 29 to October 2, 2010, at the Sheraton Hotel in Seattle, Washington. There are courses on installing NMEA 2000, demonstrations on the enhancements in Chart Plotting and GPS technology, and on Friday, October 1, there well be an exhibit on the future of Satellite communications. www.nmea.org
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association will hold the 2010 National Severe Weather Workshop March 4 – 6, 2010, at the Embassy Suites Hotel and Conference Center in Norman Oklahoma. The event will feature emergency managers, weather enthusiasts, teachers, students, meteorologists, broadcasters, and vendors in weather data and information, all gathered to discuss topics such as hazardous weather mitigation strategies, forecast verification and the latest in severe storm and research modeling. There will also be a Weather Trade and Technology Expo. www.norman.noaa.gov/nsww