When the America’s Cup came to Valencia in 2007, the first time the race was ever held in European waters, the town rolled out the red carpet. They developed Port America’s Cup, a 700-berth marina that is minutes away from the “stadium.” But other than the races and the throngs of people, Valencia is a beautiful city, with great restaurants and museums, and historic buildings and side streets. Also it is a good port of call for yachtsmen heading to Ibiza, Barcelona, and points east. So, if you make berth in this city by the sea, here are some places you can tie up.
Port America’s Cup PO Box 6032 Valencia 46011 Tel: +34 963 542 160 Fax: +34 963 542 169 www.portamericascup.com
Marina Real Juan Carlos Oficinas Marina Norte Marina Real Juan Carlos I Valencia 46011 Tel: +34 963 812 009 Fax: (963) 814-450 www.marinarealjuancarlosi.com
Club Nautico Oliva 46780 Playa de Oliva, Valencia Tel: + 34 962 853 423 Fax: + 34 962 858 612 info@clubnauticoliva.com
Real Club Nautico de Valencia Co Canal, 91 Valencia 46024 Tel: + 34 963 679 011 Fax: +34 963 677 737 www.rcnauticovalencia.com
Valencia Superyacht Marina Guillermo García Román Tel: +34 607 940 507 guillermogarcia@valenciasuperyachtmarina.com