Looks like an on time arrival in Bermuda and a line crossing within one mile east of St. David’s Light at 9:00 am on Saturday, December 7th…or at least before noon. I have made good time covering the miles from St. Augustine despite a slow start. Five days to Bermuda is good. Now here are some numbers. Dodge Morgan on American Promise left Bermuda and returned after 150 days, 6 hours and 1 minute. His route took him 25,776 miles at an average speed of 7.16 knots (approx. 8 mph), for an average of 171.84 miles per day. It looks like I will have covered the some 864 miles to Bermuda in five days at an average of 172.8 miles per day. How close is that! I will have to do better and will make serious comparisons every ten days.
Only one breakage to date. One of the hydrogenerators, which are my principal source of energy on board, and I have four of them, lost all three of its blades – just simply sheared off. Must have hit an object – or perhaps a shark took a bite! If so, he will need dental work. –S.P.