3-D Boat
There has been an obvious increase in demand for everything 3-D this past year. First movie theatres began showing 3-D movies, and then 3-D televisions became the next big thing, now I just saw that they are re-releasing the Lion King in 3-D. Having grown up loving the classic Disney film in its 2-D version, coupled with my strong aversion to wearing uncomfortable, nerdy glasses during a movie I’ve been skeptical of the 3-D craze.
One company called 3D Boat Design has created a computer program though, which I admit seemed to pop out at me. 3D Boat Design is a user friendly computer designing program which allows users to, you guessed it, design a boat in 3-D.
This CAD based program doesn’t require an engineering degree to figure out and is user friendly for the beginning boat builder. Unlike a professional CAD program which allows you to create anything, this software is exclusively a boat design program. There is a step-by-step tutorial launched at the start of the program takes you through all the tools needed to bring your idea from the launch ramp into 3-D reality.
3D Boat Design allows users who want to conceptualize what a slight design change would look like can to choose from already made templates and manipulate that.
Many crucial features of a boat design such as bow, bulkhead, chine, deck, gunwale, keels, keelson, rudder, sheer, transom, stem, strake come pre-designed and only require you to input your measurements to bring them to life.
The program also provides you with information regarding how your design change will affect your boats performance.
If you prefer to lay out your design the “old fashioned” 2-D way there is an option to do so. The program can then take that plan and transform it into a 3d model.
With this program users can use their imagination to design anything from a mega yacht which holds more helicopters then an aircraft carrier, or a model schooner that will make port above your fireplace.
The best part? No dorky glasses required.